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Let’s begin with a slight correction; Arson is actually for criminals looking at 5-10 years in prison, not lovers. So aside from the emo-cliché of an album title let me fill you in on what I do like from independent musicians Merit. 

Front-woman Brenna Merritt, is reminiscent of fem-vocalist Agent M of the underground pop-punk sensation Tsunami Bomb. However, the music it’s self is nothing too familiar. Merit earns its badge with a slightly sunnier take on the unclassified “indie rock” gene. So basically they are a rock & roll band like many before them.  We’ll break is down as such: Dynamic guitar parts that drive thru punk rock moments, with some bouncier almost ska choruses, and the occasional ballad feeling. However, the produced their own album, and this alone merits the “indie” sew-on patch in the industry.

Furthermore, their odd, yet selective style reminds me of Coheed and Cambria in their hay days. I’m most enchanted by the song “Fess Up”. It especially has that Coheed feel to it, especially when listening to the pitch shifting she (Merritt) does with her voice. There are some really amazing things going on here if you take the time to pick the album apart like I have done.

Impressive music becomes increasingly harder to come by, especially as you, the individual, change and evolve you opinions in what you look for in that perfect musical chemistry. You know when it hits you because you have to listen to it until you’re ears are sore from those ear-buds. It’s a constant analyzing of the entire album for more audible treasures. Well, Merit’s Arson is for Lovers is not one of those. Sorry. However, they are scraping at the door of something good here. I’ll make sure to keep my ear on them throughout the years.